The RACK-MOUNT DC-AC INVERTERS are intended for industrial and military applications where DC voltage needs to be converted to 50 Hz, 60 Hz, or 400 Hz 3Ø AC Voltage.
These inverters are typically used to reliably power electronic loads such as computers, monitors, printers, communications systems, and radios. They can also be used to power demanding loads such as hand tools, motors, and totally unbalanced 3Ø devices. The inverters can be ruggedized for military grade shock, vibration, temperature, and humidity requirements, as well as equipped with optional filtering to meet portions of MIL-STD-461 for EMI.
Utilizing field proven technology, this series of rugged pure sinewave DC-AC Inverters is suitable for harsh environments such as:
- Military Shelters
- Aircraft and UAVs
- Ground Support
- Mobile Systems
- Tactical Systems
- Shipboard Applications
- Communications
- Radar Applications
- Rail Applications
- Utility Applications
We have these rugged inverters in 24, 36, 48, 72, 120, 155, and 270 VDC nominal input available from 3 to 10.5+ KVA!